Wednesday, March 18, 2015

2 Proven Ways To Increase Your Monthly Income

Have you ever wondered why rich get richer and poor people get poorer? And the reason here is in their attitude to money. Let me explain.

Let's say you earn a monthly income of $1500 a month. What do you do with your money? You pay the rent, utility bills, buy food, and pay for the education. It can be a long list. So what do we have here? Many people spend all their monthly income  and what is left in the end?  NOTHING. This is the reason. A person who earns $5000 will also spend everything. Many people who make high monthly income are most likely to spend it all for more expensive food, education, clothes, etc.

What I mean here is that in most cases we don't know how to make the limits to ourselves and do correct financial planning. Many famous and rich people like Robert Kiyosaki, Bodo Schaefer and others recommend to put aside 10% of your earned money.

1. Make savings on a regular basis.

Take now your wallet, count the money and put a part of it aside into an envelope, a box or open a saving account in your bank where you can automatically transfer about 10% of your monthly income.

Why 10%? Because it is a small amount that you can do without it and live on the remaining 90% of your monthly income. When saving only 10% of your income, you will not feel the difference, but the effect of this saving is very significant for a long run.

2. Invest your savings.

After 10 months you will have an amount equal to your monthly income. What should you do with the saved amount? You need to invest it.

Watch the video below to learn how to start investing:

Don't be afraid of the word "investing". Those times when investment was available for rich people have passed. Today everybody has an opportunity to invest his or her money and thus increase your monthly income. Besides the investment amount might be small like only $200 or so.

The easiest way to invest money for beginners is to invest into your bank. Usually banks offer stable but low interest rate. This is the most common and low risk investment I can recommend. There are also other proven ways to increase your monthly income. Watch the presentation below to learn how you can make more monthly income:

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